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Achieving Mental Health

December 28, 2022by canonsphere0
WhatsApp Image 2022-12-19 at 14.13.07

Mental Health includes one’s psychological, emotional, and social well-being – one’s mental health affects how one thinks, feels, and acts. It also helps in determining how one handles stress, makes choices, and relates to others. Mental health can affect one’s daily life activities, relationships, and physical health.

Mental health refers to the condition of cognitive and behavioural well-being. Sometimes the term ‘mental health’ is used to determine the absence of a mental disorder. It is the condition of well-being whereby each person realises their potential and can deal with life changes and uncertainty.

Episode 1

In this podcast, Dr. Aradhana Gupta, a clinical psychologist with an impressive experience of 16 years, joined the host, Ms. Ritika Tejpal, the marketing head of Canon Sphere. The podcast starts with the first question of why people are ignorant about mental health. According to Dr. Aradhana, physical health is obvious, so when someone exhibits bodily symptoms like a fever or upset stomach, people take it seriously. However, because the mental disease is not apparent as such, many do not want to recognize that they are not mentally stable.

In addition, many are afraid of being stigmatized by society if they seek mental health treatment. Then Host Ms. Ritika enquired as to how persons with bad financial standing or those from low-income families may go about getting mental health care. According to Dr. Aradhana, these types of people can simply seek assistance from local government hospitals, which offer assistance for just one rupee and have access to medical and counselling services.

The host also questioned why, although persons with depression, anxiety, and OCD typically use antidepressants, it has been noticed that some of them are taken more frequently than are healthy. Is it therefore risky or safe? She said that individuals frequently take medications and even turn to Google when they have questions. However, medication dependence is a concern because even if a person voluntarily wishes to stop taking the medication, the withdrawal symptoms terrify them, and they resume taking it. Additionally, it causes breathing issues, constipation, and excessive lethargies in the patient.

Then the host asked if medications are essential for maintaining mental health or if are there any non-pharmaceutical treatments. According to Dr. Aradhana, minor symptoms are often treatable without the need for medicine. Medicines can surely be avoided if the patient has bravery and adheres to appropriate cognitive behavioural therapy and natural therapies. In severe conditions where a patient gets anxiety and panic attacks, medicines are preferred. In this situation, the patient needs to have faith in their medical professional and their loved ones, who should constantly encourage them.

The host then continued with another question: What traits do those who suffer from mental illness share in common? She retorted that the universal sign of every illness is a lack of love for oneself. These individuals isolate themselves from their environment and fall prey to anxiety. Thus, they consistently display low self-esteem, sleep deprivation or other sleep-related issues, etc.

The host Ritika posed a crucial query: Does extreme worry drive people to attempt suicide? And how long does it usually take to cure a patient with mental illness? Yes, she replied. When a patient is experiencing extreme stress, it can put him or her in a separate passive phenomenon where they believe suicide is their only option because no one else understands them. Depending on the ailment, those with minor symptoms can get better in 2 to 3 months, while those with severe symptoms need at least 6 months of medication and CBT.

The last piece of advice that Dr. Aradhana offered to everyone was that life is stressful, unpredictable, and difficult today. Therefore, if it even just makes you irritable all the time, makes you moody, or creates arguments with family members, you should check yourself out.

The podcast concludes with an enjoyable game.

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Episode 2

In episode 2, Mr. Arya Walia and Ms. Shruti Singh Chauhan; the law students, joined the host, Ms. Shaziya Khan, the founder of Canon Sphere. This episode reflects how the general public thinks about people with mental health issues.

The host, Ms. Shaziya began by asking the guests what they know about mental health. Mr Arya responded succinctly by saying that having good mental health is being able to regulate your anxiety and anger, respond appropriately in social situations, and perceive the world around you. Mental health is entirely unrelated to physical health. While Ms Shruti agreed with Arya and stated that it is a fact that when we are physically ill, we are aware of where to turn for assistance when it comes to mental health, we believe it is a passing emotion that will pass in due course, but in reality, it builds up until you become the victim of mental illness.

According to Ms. Shruti, mental disease does not develop according to any age range. Anyone can experience it, and given people’s busy lifestyles, it has grown prevalent. She related the experience of her cousin, who failed to graduate from the eleventh grade and went through a period of having suicidal thoughts as a result. Therefore, Shruti said that in this situation, just as we are there for individuals who are ill physically, we should let the patient know that we are there, that we understand them, and that we are willing to listen to them.

Arya concluded that depression and anxiety occur when people lack someone with whom to discuss their feelings.

The host then inquired about our orthodox society. People with mental illnesses and even  the victim’s parents show negligible concern for their mental wellbeing. Even though their child has mental problems, they do not permit people to interfere in their private affairs. So, what is the take of guests on this matter?

The guests said that we must find a way to let the individual (who is suffering) know that we are only a phone call away or that we are here for them. When you are restricted from meeting someone, all you need to do is let them know that you are there to listen to their concerns.

Parents who are unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge that their child is under a great deal of stress and that he may also experience sadness or anxiety. What advice do you want to provide to this type of parent?

According to Mr. Arya, parents should put themselves in their children’s shoes and offer advice on how to help them solve problems. They can now talk to the child about their experience if they choose to do so.

Every parent is unique, according to Ms. Shruti; some are affectionate while others are harsh. Typically, they have an orthodox mentality. We must, among other things, figure out how to close the gap between parents and children. If they communicate clearly, most problems can be solved. Second, if parents notice significant changes in their child, they must identify the underlying cause of the issue and learn what is upsetting their child. Thirdly, the parents’ ought to quit worrying about society and cease contrasting their kids with others.

Then Host asked What measures the government can take to promote mental wellness?

This question was asked by Host because the financially stable people can seek help from private bodies which are usually unaffordable by the poor or financially unstable people. So due to the counselling fee, the financially unstable people ignore the need for counselling and treatment.

So to the aforementioned question Mr. Arya contends that before the government can educate the populace about the problem, social outreach must be undertaken.

Second, life insurance policies should begin to cover both mental and physical ailments to lessen the stigma attached to mental illness. As a result, insurance should provide coverage.

We do have public health policies, Ms. Shruti continued, and the government ought to include mental health in those programmes. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana programme should broaden its scope to cover mental diseases as well.

And the episode ends with a fun activity.

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Episode 3

In episode 3, Mr. Ashish Pandey, a psychology analyst and counselling psychologist with impressive experience of 8 years, joined the host, Ms. Manya Harit , the HR manager of Canon Sphere. The episode starts with the first question of why Mr. Ashish chose psychology and career counselling as his domain. He responded that while preparing for his medical exams, he was unaware of other courses, and pursuing biotech made him realize that this is not the domain he wishes to study further. He then looked for other courses and became interested in psychology. He was experiencing anxiety at the time, and then he decided to pursue a career in this field.

Followed by another question: Why are people not so concerned about mental health issues? Please educate the public on mental health issues. Mr. Ashish Pandey stated that the reason for the public ignorance for mental health issues is based on a  social stigma that if we seek help from a psychiatrist, it means we are mentally retarded. He went on to say that the World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of a person being balanced in all four states of mind: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Mental health issues should be treated similarly to a common cold or cough. We usually go to a psychiatrist for help with our mental health. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

The episode continues with another question that when Mr. Ashish pandey deals with his patients, what is his go to approach to analyse them. He stated that every specialist has a different approach, but what he follows is that he considers that person to be a normal patient who has come with his problems. He added, “I never tell a patient that he or she is suffering from anxiety or depression.” First, we listen to their symptoms, and then we identify the problem based on those symptoms and problems.

Another important question that was asked was how to make a patient comfortable? What methods are used to make a patient/victim comfortable to talk about his problems/.

Mr. Ashish Pandey stated that building a repo is essential over here. We must certainly establish that link between the patient and the counsellor. The method we usually use looks up common factors/interests to discuss with patients. We forget that we are counsellors at first and try to be friends with the patients, making them as comfortable as possible.

The episode continues with the question of how many patients Mr. Ashish has dealt with up to this point and whether it has taken a toll on him. He responded that he has consulted over 6000 people and the patients were pleased with the treatment.

He also stated that it has no negative impact on his mental health because they are trained individuals. To deal with our patients, we take an empathic approach.

People commonly confuse anxiety and depression, so how should we distinguish between the two? Mr. Ashish responded that anxiety and depression are  not the same thing. Both have distinct symptoms. Depression is a mood disorder in which a person experiences persistent sadness, isolation, and dullness in energy or body.

Anxiety is characterised by restlessness and fear. It can happen because of a reason or without a  reason. We are constantly thinking about the specific fear or stimulus that causes a person’s anxiety. Anxiety is a common aspect, and a person who is unable to manage their anxiety is troubled. A person is likely to experience both anxiety and depression at the same time. When a person magnifies his anxiety, he gradually enters a depressive phase.

Motivation is a temporary concept where people tend to give up easily. So, how would Mr. Ashish cheer up such people?

Counsellors and motivators are distinguished by Mr Ashish. He continued; Counsellors focus on internal motivation rather than external ones. A person can address their concerns and cope with them if they recognise their issues and use the counsellor’s tactics to help them.

We questioned him on why people with mental illnesses often withdraw from social interactions and how they can still engage in social activities while suffering from anxiety and sadness. According to him, the patient’s family and environment are very important to his health. In general, family and friends are unable to comprehend mental disorders and as a result, they begin labelling or judging the patients for various reasons. In order for people to come out and talk about it freely, social networks and people need to be transformed. Saying everything will be OK doesn’t help someone who is anxious or depressed.

And at last this episode ends with a fun activity.

Watch episode here-

Listen it on Spotify-


These incidents have finally made it very clear that how you feel, think, and act is influenced by your mental health. You know you’re in good mental health when you feel good about yourself and can cope with stress on a daily basis. There are several reasons why people are not informed about mental illness, including government and parental ignorance as well as their fear of societal shame. They don’t need to be embarrassed to discuss it or seek their loved ones for assistance. If you see any changes in yourself, get medical help by consulting a psychologist or a psychiatrist, exercising, or engaging in yoga. Government hospitals are also a source of help for persons with low incomes. Without the use of pharmaceuticals, a mental illness can be treated in its early stages, but when it has reached its worst stage, CBT and medications are essential. Information on mental health needs to be disseminated by people, educational institutions, and the government.

People who are close to the victim should be compassionate, put themselves in the victim’s shoes, and understand how the victim must be handling the situation. Let them know you are standing with them by expressing your love and support for them.

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