This podcast was conducted during ‘Pride Month’ to create awareness amongst the people concerning the issues faced by this community. Canonsphere extends its support to all the members of this community. Everything discussed in the various episodes was intended for creating awareness and educational purposes so the canonsphere did not intend to hurt the sentiments of anyone. There were three episodes in the podcast to which three guests were invited.
Episode 1
In the first episode, the host Ms. Shaziya Khan, founder of Canonsphere was joined by a special guest Mr. Divyansh Shukla, founder of Ascent Law Academy. Mr. Divyansh Shukla is an engineer and lawyer. He graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from IIT Kharagpur and completed his Masters of Law from NLU Jodhpur.
The episode starts with the first question of ‘whether Mr. Divyansh Shukla supports the LGBTQ Community or not’.
To which he answered that he extends his support to them and that this community must be taken care of and supported. He furthermore added that he has interacted with people from this community and was impressed by the remarkable and appreciable courage they carry.
Then stating his opinion on Navtej Singh Johar’s case in which homosexuality was legalized. He opined that it is a progressive judgement in which section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was held unconstitutional and mentioned that this community also has the respective fundamental rights.
Followed by another question: what if his family member turns out to be one from this community?
Mr. Divyansh Shukla gave a very rational answer that he will accept the fact that he/she has been identified as one from this community. He also stated that there might be hardship in getting acceptance from his family but he will extend his full support to that member.
The episode continues with a discussion as to how educational institutions should create awareness among students. Mr. Divyansh Shukla stated that all those derogatory names at a primary level must be stopped. Also, Bollywood should initiate certain steps to create awareness about this community. He believes that we can expect a change, if not today then in 100 years.
Then this episode ends with a rapid-fire round.
Listen to this episode here-
Episode 2
In the second episode, the host was Ms. Shivi Dhawan, a team member of Canonsphere and was joined by another special guest Ms. Pallavi Pandey who is a member of the LGBTQ Community.
The episode starts with the first question, when Ms. Pallavi Pandey realized her sexual orientation. She answered that she was in 6th Grade and was fully unaware of the physical and mental changes that she was going through at that phase. It took her 2 years to know about this community when she did research by herself.
Furthermore, Ms. Pallavi Pandey narrates that she belongs to a conservative family and there were many hardships that she faced and is still facing while coming out as a member of this community. She also mentions the trolls who try to downgrade them.
Then the host asks Ms. Pallavi Pandey about the color of the Flag of Pride month to which she narrates the history of flags used in this community and states that the Rainbow flag has diverse colors which reflect the presence of various elements like spirit, peace, and nature, etc.
The Guest also stated that their community must be granted all those rights which straight people enjoy, for instance, the right to marry. She states that their community just seeks acceptance and love, not hatred.
This episode hereby ends with a fun rapid-fire round.
Listen to this episode here-
Episode 3
In the final episode, Host for this episode was Ms. Shatakshi Chauhan who is a team member of Canonsphere and was joined by three special guests Mr. Divyansh Shukla, Ms. Pallavi Pandey, and Ms. Aditi Chauhan.
The episode starts with a question from the host to Ms. Pallavi Pandey that whether she is against the people who don’t support the LGBTQ Community. She replied that it’s their choice to extend the support but they should stop bullying.
She also addressed various problems which are being faced by her after coming out. She narrated many incidents, one of them was when she was asked by the guard at the metro station to go for checking into the male section merely because of her appearance. Hereafter she busted a few myths about the LGBTQ Community.
Then in conversation with Ms. Aditi Chauhan, the host asked her a few questions like her take on homosexuality being immoral in most religions. Ms. Aditi Chauhan said that religion has nothing to do with it and said she supports the views of Ms. Pallavi Pandey that it’s their choice to choose their sexual orientation. Ms. Aditi Chauhan also stated that she will support her friends in case any of them come out as a member of this community.
Then in the final phase of this episode, Mr. Divyansh Shukla gave a piece of advice for the problems faced by this community due to their sexuality and appearance.
Mr. Divyansh Shukla stated that various problems are faced by this community. He stated the community must take a collective effort and initiate steps to accept them. He believes that the change will take time but with the help of the young generation, it is possible to do the same.
The host ends the episode by praising Ms. Pallavi Pandey because of her positive attitude in life.
Listen to this episode here-